Inspirational Design
Due to the range of browsers available, it is extremely difficult to create a truly universal website that works and looks in exactly the same way. Part of the process is to test each and every page with as many different browsers as possible. The process is continual and ongoing, if you notice any issues with this site in a particular browser, please contact us so that updates can be made.
For more information and/or download the latest version of this browser, visit Firefox's homepage (opens in a new window).
Internet Explorer
For more information and/or download the latest version of this browser, visit Internet Explorer's homepage (opens in a new window).
For more information and/or download the latest version of this browser, visit Netscape's homepage (opens in a new window).
For more information and/or download the latest version of this browser, visit Opera's homepage (opens in a new window).
For more information and/or download the latest version of this browser, visit Safari's homepage (opens in a new window).
New browser and browser versions are being updated and added all the time. As more specific information becomes availible, it will be added to this page.
File Formats
These pages are formatted in XHTML 1.0 (Hyptertext Markup Language 1.0). Each of this site's pages is currently being tested for validation against the W3C automated service so that it fully meets the required standard.
Various technologies are involved in delivering the web site to as wide a spectrum of media as possible. All perform a different task. No technology has been used that is not mutually exclusive, with the intent to make this web site as user friendly as possible. The list is not exhaustive but covers the main technologies used.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTML is the most well known language. It is primarily used to structure the pages on this site into some kind of framework. Other technologies can and are used to work with and alongside HTML (see below), however at time of writing, it is believed this approach is more widely accessible than any other.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
Whereas HTML is used to create a framework structure, CSS is used to style how it looks. By adopting this method, it is possible to provide information that can bee seen in many different ways, for example it creates a version of each page that can be printed, accessed via mobile phone, projector, tv and others.
PHP (Personal Hypertext Preprocessor)
PHP is a language that processes information to provide the finished web page. When someone requests a web page (clicks on link etc.), the PHP processes the information on the server, works out what has been requested, then returns the appropriate information. Its use vastly improves the speed and security of processing information.
JS (Javascript)
Extremely usefull, this language enables many extra features of the internet to be utilised. Due to its lack of compatibility with some browsers and viwers, it's use has been limited on this site. However Javascript is becoming ever more widely accepted.
Though used more and more on the web, especially since the advent of YouTube, MySpace and others, many browsers and users have issues in processing the information. As with other technologies, where flash has been used, an alternative has been provided for those who may not be able to access it.
Every effort has been made to ensure that all information is available to as many users as possible, and some information has been provided for downloading in PDF (Portable Document Format) using Adobe Acrobat. Some files will require that you use a plug-in. A plug-in is an add-on to your web browser that enables you to view non-standard HTML files.
This site makes use where possible, of open source material, to enable a smoother running website and allow the dissemination of material, be it visual or audio. There are many different software packages available on the internet.
PDF (Portable Document Format)
All PDF files are fully downloadable and printer friendly. PDF documents are read using the freely availabole Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is available from get.adobe.com (opens in a new window). Accessible PDF's can be enabled by contacting access.adobe.com (opens in a new window).